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Power into spring

Find out the best ways to keep fit and motivated as we move into longer days from the Rude Health magazine fitness experts

Sylvia Diaz, founder of Fit with Sylvia, is an Instagram fitness icon. She works as a nutritionist, fitness and health coach. She transforms busy professionals' lives to a fit, healthy and guilty-free mindset. She also runs online fitness dance classes and works as a digital content creator.

Set clear goals – Establish specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) fitness goals. Having clear objectives gives you something to work towards.

Indoor workouts – At home follow online workout videos, you can find a variety of workouts, from yoga to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and have your own personal fitness coach with personalised home exercises. If you prefer a gym environment, consider joining one with indoor facilities. Having a workout buddy can increase motivation.

Outdoor activities – Invest in proper workout gear. Dressing warmly makes it more comfortable to exercise outdoors, even on a chilly day.

Group classes – Participate in live virtual workout classes. Many fitness studios offer online sessions, allowing you to join from the comfort of your home. Check local community centres for group fitness classes like dance, aerobics, or martial arts.

Hydrate and eat well – Maintain a balanced diet and stay hydrated. Proper nutrition is crucial for energy levels and overall well-being.

Mind-body activities – Engage in yoga or meditation practices. They not only improve flexibility and strength but also enhance mental well-being.
Instagram: @fit.with.sylvia

Sinéad McLoughlin, founder of Sinéad McLoughlin Fitness is an online weight loss coach and personal trainer based in Kinvara, Co Galway. She is passionate about women's health and fitness and in particular helping women reach their weight loss goals through her online program Thrive.

Wrap up and get outdoors – wrap up in layers and explore the amazing beauty of Ireland with its many tracks, trails and greenways.

Embrace home workout routines – working out from home is extremely convenient. There are plenty of online resources and apps that offer guided workouts suitable for all fitness levels. Consider investing in some home exercise equipment, like resistance bands, dumbbells and a yoga mat to get you started. Having the right tools at home can make it easier to maintain a consistent workout routine.

Find a workout buddy or join a fitness class – having someone to share your fitness journey can be a powerful motivator and make your workouts more enjoyable. They can also provide accountability and support when motivation is dipping.

Mix up your routine – Try new activities or varying your workouts to keep things interesting. Consider exploring workout classes you have never tried before. Variety not only prevents boredom but also challenges different muscle groups, contributing to a well-rounded fitness routine.

Enjoy a good playlist – create an energising mix of your favourite tunes to keep you pumped up during workouts. Music has a powerful influence on mood and can turn a dull exercise session into an exhilarating experience.

By combining outdoor activities, indoor workouts, goal setting, social engagement, variety and a killer playlist, you will not only survive but thrive in maintaining your fitness.

Instagram: @sineadmcloughlinfitness

Gráinne O'Driscoll runs Grá For Fitness offering public, private and corporate Pilates, yoga and fitness classes

The great outdoors

After a winter inside, it's time to get outside. Walking, running or biking are all good. Choose to layer up rather than wearing heavy clothing, and waterproofs are a good investment. One vital addition to your wardrobe if you're exercising outdoors in the morning or evening is high-vis clothing and of course if you're cycling, sufficient lighting.

If you are taking to the hills for a hike, plan your route, be aware of your own capabilities and the difficulty level of your hike. Check the weather, have your phone charged, be aware what time it gets dark and never go alone.

Struggling to get started in your chosen outdoor activity? Find a club that will cater for your level – clubs can offer support, structure and a great social outlet.

The great indoors

If outdoor activities really aren't your thing, gyms are nice cosy places – this could be the time to finally join or find a fitness class that you enjoy. For those who struggle with motivation a class at a specific time weekly or more often can help. Signing up for a course with a friend can help settle the ‘trying something new' nerves.

Alternatively, consider an online option – many studios and practitioners offer live online classes and there are a wealth of recorded classes online.

David Rice at Gym Plus

Indoor gym workouts with a twist – Bring your workouts indoors and add a touch of creativity. Try a dance workout, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), or go for a swim at your local gym or leisure centre. Mixing up your routine keeps things interesting and prevents boredom which is the primary killer of motivation.

Buddy system – Finding a workout buddy can be a game-changer. Not only does it make exercising more enjoyable, but it also adds a level of accountability. Knowing that someone is waiting for you at the gym or is waking up early so you can go on a run can be the extra push you need to get moving.

Home gym – If venturing out into the cold isn't your thing, create a cosy workout space at home. Invest in some basic workout equipment, follow online fitness classes, and transform your living room into your personal fitness studio. The convenience of home workouts eliminates any excuses for skipping a session.

Stay hydrated – It's easy to forget about hydration during the winter, but staying well-hydrated is crucial for overall health and fitness. Additionally, eat warm, nutritious meals to fuel your energy levels. Food and water is an often overlooked aspect of working out, but your body needs fuel to function at its peak. has locations in Ashbourne, Ballsbridge, Drogheda, Naas, Rathfarnham, Swords and Cork

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